We are back home in Jerusalem after three amazing days on a campground not too far from Tel Aviv with hundreds of young adults and lots of older adults as well. The testimonies are continuing to come in about the impact it made on all the people there. It's hard to describe what God did, but I will try my best to put in words what we experienced.
The prophetic significance of what took place astounds me. The majority of people there were Israeli, and that in itself is exciting. Past conferences have had more of an international flavor with a lot of English worship and teaching. It was hard for the Israelis to feel an ownership in what God was doing in Israel. This year all the worship was in Hebrew other than the two sessions when Matt Gilman from IHOP-Kansas City led. Most of the speaking was in Hebrew translated to English, Arabic and Korean. It was easy to sense the excitement that the Israeli young people felt in having a conference just for them. I couldn't wipe the smile off my face just watching them worship God and interact with one another.
There were several speakers during the conference, but I am sharing the ones who made a huge impact on me. (Not that the other ones didn't, but this is my blog, so I can write what I want!)
Friday morning Rick Ridings (director of Succat Hallel in Jerusalem) spoke on the book of Ruth and the four aspects of God's end-time plan. (Ruth was an Arab who lived in Jordan, and Naomi was a Jew who lived in Bethlehem.) It was clear and concise and very anointed. He ended the teaching by having all the Jewish believers come to the front on one side of the tent. Then he called the Arab and Gentile believers up to gather on the other side. They faced each other, and on cue, they walked to the middle, found a partner, and started praying over each other. Most of the Arab believers came from Muslim backgrounds, and to see them praying over Jews totally brought me to tears. What a miracle to see those who would naturally be mortal enemies laying hands on each other and praying. This is the beginnings of fulfillment of end-time prophecies!
Matt Gilman, one of IHOP-KC's main worship leaders, led worship in the two sessions that Heidi Baker spoke in. Many people had deep encounters with God. I couldn't get a good picture at night, but people were just laid out in the fields around the meeting tent! It deeply impacted the people there, including me! When he leads worship, there is just an anointing to go deep in His love. That's just the way it is. What else can I say?!
Heidi Baker spoke Friday night and Shabbat morning. She brought an open heaven anointing. The love of Abba was poured out on people in ways that they had never experienced. She has such an intercessory anointing and is totally full of His love for people. And the kids there knew it. She's the real deal. Saturday was her 50th birthday, and we sang Happy Birthday Israeli style! She felt that it was very significant to be celebrating her jubilee year in Israel. One of the Israeli kids had a dream the night before that she was pregnant with twins, and their names were Ishmael and Isaac. That brought her to her knees!
This is Rick Ridings laying hands on her and praying into that prophetic dream. Fyi, the guy translating for Heidi is Joseph Niebur, a good friend of Preston's who is in the army.
Joaquin Evans (director of the healing rooms at Bethel Church in Redding, CA) lifted the faith level Shabbat afternoon and there were notable healings in the meeting! It's so important to release a sense of expectancy and joy and the fact that Abba is in a good mood! He wants to heal and to show His faithfulness!
Saturday night Asher Intrater brought a word that is so heavy I'm still meditating on it. He talked about the three times that Yeshua appeared in the Tanakh (Old Covenant) with a sword in His hand and the one time in the New Covenant that He will appear with a sword. But this last time it won't be in His hand. It will be coming out of His mouth. The sword is the Word of God. We aren't to rely on human strength anymore but we are to eat the Word and speak the Word with power and authority. The presence of God was so thick on the platform that Asher and Joseph Niebur, his translator, couldn't stand up. I can't tell you what a privilege it was for me to be there! I'm still undone this morning as I try to put it into words. His love and compassion come in torrential waves.
Preston did such a great job on the worship teams. He was on three different teams and also worked on the stage set-up team. He was in his element! I love him so much. He is doing his part in seeing Yeshua's kingdom come on earth. He left his comfort zone in the States and has adapted so well to the culture here. His parents are proud of him!
I could go on and on, but most people won't go on and on reading, so I'll stop. Oh, I wanted to show how you know you are in an Israeli worship service.
We had quite a few young people in the IDF (Israeli Defense Forces) who received permission to be at the conference. Depending on their rank, some must keep their rifle with them at all times. Yep, this is Israel!
To those of you who prayed for this conference, thank you very much! You had an integral part in the success of the last three days. God is so faithful!
Last but not least, here are a few of our wonderful, adorable ushers for the conference!
You might recognize Rachel Baker, Chelsea Nunnenkamp, and Olivia Baker. Good job, my loves!
The Bars of Winter
2 weeks ago
I wish I could have been there but I'm SO glad it was such an awesome success!
ReplyDeleteLove you mom!!
I wish I could have been there, too. I was inspired just reading your words. Thanks for sharing what you could. Do they record the speakers or put it online anywhere? It would be wonderful to be able to listen. Blessings. ~Betty
ReplyDeleteHey can you remove my name from this blog. you can email me at yosefgibor@gmail.com
ReplyDeletethank you.